The Weavers

‘Through our understanding of the Weave, we can become like a standing wave.’ 

The Way of the Seabhean An Irish Shamanic Path by Amantha Murphy with Orla O’Connell

The above quote is from a fascinating book that I am reading right now ‘The Way of the Seabhean: An Irish Shamanic Path’.  ‘Standing wave’ is a physics term that I don’t quite understand, but yet inherently feel like I know exactly what she is speaking of.  I find this a great parallel for the current times.  It is difficult to see all the fine details of what is happening, but yet we know deep down, don’t we.    

The concept of the ‘weave’ I understand much more easily. 

If you are reading this right now, most likely, in some way shape or form, you are working with the weave.

Maybe you are hosting Circles, developing classes, singing, a storyteller, a healer, a herbalist, working with the Land, a Priestess leading ritual and ceremony, but in some way, shape or form, your work is to help others find their path on the weave. 

Your work is to help balance the weave.

Such conversations I have been having lately!  Sitting on the term ‘Witch’ examining its HIStory and cultural implications and helping to reposition that term.

Talking about community, the future of the Church and more specifically the role of the divine feminine in this, the importance of ritual and ceremony for WellBEing.  An hour on a zoom call goes in the blink of an eye, and I finish the call with new possibilities and thoughts arising like starlings at dusk in murmuration.

A little birdie whispers in my ear, ‘the time is now.’

Let’s talk about the Weave. Let’s support each other.

Join me on

March 6, 10am.

*Picture Alfred Agache, Les Parques 1885
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